Pharmacy Stars SCXP USP 797 2008 v 2023 self audit readiness tool

Created by Keith Streckenbach, Modified on Sun, 04 Jun 2023 at 03:57 PM by Keith Streckenbach

Dear visitor: Please find the Pharmacy Stars SCXP <797> 2008 vs 2023 Comparison Readiness Audit Tool below. (download) A print formatted version (PDF) and an .XLSX version have been included. Both have fields locked, and the .XLSX has fields for you to mark your response and a notes field. Additionally, a tab for more notes (where you might create a task list to close gaps uncovered in the self audit. 

The tool was created and edited by the 2022-2024 SCXP Panel

Please do us a HUGE favor. Please share the tools broadly and widely (post on discussion boards, LinkedIn, listservs, wherever you wish) so that as many people as possible can benefit from the tool. The tool is licensed to all under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Copyright(C) 2023 Pharmacy Stars, LLC. 

The URL to share to share the tool is

Thank you!

PS Any feedback for improvements to the tool are welcomed. Email to

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